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SONTE Film – digital shade for your home and office

By Damir Beciri
17 June 2013

sonte-film-compareYou’ve seen it in sci-fi movies, as well as in some fancy offices and bars, but dimming windows with a flip of a switch has been kept away from most of us. SONTE Film is the first ever Wi-Fi enabled digital shade that instantly switches windows from opaque to clear in less than a second…. »


Control4 Wireless Music Bridge

By Damir Beciri
14 June 2013

contorl4-wireless-music-bridgeIf you wanted to enable music streaming inside your home or office, Control4 came up with a solution that might help you. Aside streaming, Control4 Wireless Music Bridge enables its users to instantly and wirelessly share the music on all smartphones, tablets or computers connected to a Control4 system, allowing everyone to enjoy their personal… »

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A roadmap for the mobile phones of the future and rollable displays

By Damir Beciri
11 May 2013

xpaaand-1Technische Universität Darmstadt’s “Future Internet” research group recently published a set of challenges needed to tackle in order to incorporate their vision of what mobile telephony may look like in next ten to fifteen years. They envision that the mobile telephones of the future will be able to see, shrink in size while getting larger… »

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Ten features of shape resolution and shape-shifting mobile devices

By Damir Beciri
5 May 2013

shape-shifting-mobile-deviceResearchers at the University of Bristol have tested six variations of prototype mobile devices that can change shape on-demand. In addition to display and touch resolution, the researchers introduced the term ‘shape resolution’ and its ten features, to describe the resolution of an interactive device. The next time you discus about gadgetry with your friends,… »

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WorldKit – touch-based interfaces on everyday surfaces

By Damir Beciri
28 April 2013

world-kitIn one of our previous articles we described OmniTouch – a prototype of a wearable multitouch system that turns any surface into interface for information interaction. Researchers at the Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) have played with that idea and created WorldKit – a system able to create these touch-based interfaces and enable information interaction in… »

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Fujitsu touch control interface can work with low cost equipment

By Damir Beciri
One Comment16 April 2013

fujitsu-information-interaction-1Fujitsu Laboratories developed a technology that enables gesture-based information interaction which merges digital data and real objects. As many of its competitors in user interface niche, the technology can accurately detect where the user’s finger is and what is being touched. However, what makes it different compared to other approaches is the fact it uses… »

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Fast laser lithography 3D printing on the micrometer scale

By Damir Beciri
5 March 2013

nanoscribe-nano-3d-printing-1A spin-off company of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) named Nanoscribe GmbH recently presented their 3D printer able to print microstructures. Based on a laser lithography method, the 3D printer can create minute 3D objects that are smaller than the diameter of a human hair. What’s great about this 3D printer is its ability to… »


MYO gesture control armband

By Damir Beciri
2 Comments25 February 2013

myo-gesture-control-1Thalmic Labs has launched MYO – an armband which relies on a combination of myoelectric technology and motion sensing. The interest of Apple to develop a wristwatch with similar features confirms that this technology could be the next step in our interaction with augmented reality and other gadgets around us. Anyone able to use their… »