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Top 5 articles regarding nature biomimicry in 2011

By Rob Aid
5 January 2012

top-5-2011-biomimicry-robaidAmong other news and articles we post in the bionics category, one of the most interesting subjects we cover there is biomimicry – imitating nature in man-made systems. Although it can be outperformed, nature still does provide inspiration for more efficient and environmentally friendly technologies. Bionics is becoming more increasingly used in design, materials science… »


Top 5 articles regarding robots in 2011

By Rob Aid
3 January 2012

top-5-2011-robots-robaidAs the proof of our last year statement that robots are being developed to aid humans in their daily habits, the most popular articles in the last year were nearly all about robots which interact with humans or help us in our everyday lives. There were also many examples of robots whose operation or design… »


Top 5 articles regarding green architecture in 2011

By Rob Aid
2 January 2012

top-5-2011-green-architectureDue to larger coverage of that niche, we introduced a new category that contains all our news and articles about sustainable architectural achievements and technologies used to accomplish them. In this year’s articles about green architecture we covered completed projects that showcase efforts to reduce carbon emissions and save resources, and we published a few… »


2012 New Years Eve fireworks worldwide and our website in 2011

By Rob Aid
1 January 2012

fireworksHappy New Year! As in last couple of years, the first day of the new year is reserved for our report where we publish information about our website and our favorite compilation of fireworks display around the world after the whole world celebrated New Years Eve. You can watch the Fireworks around the globe in… »

Lists| Tech»

Top 5 articles regarding technology in 2010

By Rob Aid
3 Comments6 January 2011

top-5-2010-technology-robaidAs we mentioned in our article about top 5 gadgets in 2010, last year was a lot about 3D display technology. Aside various breakthroughs in solar power harvesting efficiency, there were breakthroughs in production and design of solar panels. We reported how first synthetic life was created, and there have been many breakthroughs in the… »

Gadgets| Lists»

Top 5 articles regarding gadgets in 2010

By Rob Aid
One Comment5 January 2011

top-5-2010-gadgets-robaidAside increased rivalry between smart phone manufacturers, the past year has been marked by two other omnipresent trends. One of the most mentioned subjects last year were tablets, which are becoming gaining on popularity – a fact confirmed by the increased number visitors who are viewing our website from such devices. Another popular subject were… »

Bionics| Lists»

Top 5 articles regarding nature biomimicry in 2010

By Rob Aid
4 January 2011

top-5-2010-biomimicry-articles-robaidIf nothing else, the world around us had much more time to shape itself to the current layout we can see around us. By learning from nature, and implementing those ideas, we can improve the efficiency of current designs and technologies, or even come up with new technologies just by mimicking nature. Biomimicry has been… »

Lists| Robotics»

Top 5 articles regarding robots in 2010

By Rob Aid
3 January 2011

top-5-2010-robots-articles-robaidThe main subject of our website is related to robots. After robots conquered the industrial applications, they are being developed to aid humans in their daily habits. The robots that are currently available for usage at home are either too clunky, or too expensive. Luckily, there are some cleaning robots that are affordable and useful,… »