Home » Damir Beciri

Articles written by Damir Beciri

TEST Damir Beciri has published 1048 articles.


3D printed vascular network templates made from sugar

By Damir Beciri
2 July 2012

penn-3d-printed-sugarResearchers from the University of Pennsylvania have developed an innovative solution that allows creation of 3D printed templates of filament networks which can be used to rapidly create vasculature and improve the function of engineered living tissues. Unlike other approaches which involve 3D printing in layers, Penn researchers decided to accelerate this delicate process and… »


Open source 3D printing and 3D printers – RepRap 3D printers

By Damir Beciri
2 July 2012

reprap-mendel-3d-printerWe already published various articles about 3D printers and 3D printing, but we always delayed the publication of the article about the first of the low-cost 3D printers projects whose blueprints and software are publicly available and open source. Named Replicating Rapid-prototyper (RepRap), the 3D printer is practically able to self-replicate since it can print… »


Green architecture – Integer ‘INN’ eco-hotel

By Damir Beciri
1 July 2012

intege-inn-eco-hotel-1The capitol of the Yunnan Province, China, Kunming is a city developed in a highly desirable geographic location with year-round moderate temperate climate which made it known as the City of Eternal Spring. Kunming is also well known for its eco-communities and developments which make it a liable representative of the growing green architectural movement… »


Hybrid ceramic-sand core casting technology

By Damir Beciri
30 June 2012

swri-hybrid-ceramic-sand-core-casting-technologyIn a joint effort with Grainger and Worrall Ltd. of the United Kingdom, the researchers at the Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) developed a novel casting technology that could be used for production of heavy-duty diesel engines with a higher peak cylinder pressure capability than current state-of-the-art engines. The technology has received a 2012 R&D 100… »

Bionics| Robotics»

RightingBot landing ability inspired by lizards

By Damir Beciri
30 June 2012

rightingbotInspired by lizards, which have the ability to turn right side up and land on their feet when they fall, the researchers from the University of California, Berkeley, developed a robot able to mimic that ability. Named RightingBot, the lizard-inspired robot mimics lizards which swing their large tails one way to rotate their body the… »

Gadgets| Robotics»

Musical robot companion Shimi is more than a docking system

By Damir Beciri
One Comment29 June 2012

tovbot-shimiGeorgia Tech’s Center for Music Technology developed a robot whose role is to be a musical companion. Named Shimi, the robotic musical companion is able to recommend songs, dance to the beat, and even create new, unique musical compositions. Instead being just a docking station, the robot increases interactivity and various features which can be… »


Clay-based trilayer fire retardant for polyurethane foam

By Damir Beciri
One Comment28 June 2012

nist-clay-fire-retardant-1National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) researchers developed a sustainable flame retardant technology for polyurethane foam. Based on clay, the new flame retardant coating can easily be applied onto home furnishings made of polyurethane foam – a material widely used for furniture cushions, carpet padding, children’s car seats, and other items – without affecting… »

Bionics| Tech»

T-shirt with sensors and a smart system monitor health

By Damir Beciri
27 June 2012

chronious-t-shirtAs Europe’s population ages, chronic diseases are becoming increasingly widespread. In order to provide a seamless system able to monitor heart rate, breathing and physical activity, EU-funded researchers have developed a T-shirt fitted with sensors as well as additional in-home monitoring devices and intelligent data processing technology. Aside being used in telemedicine, the system could… »