Home » Damir Beciri

Articles written by Damir Beciri

TEST Damir Beciri has published 1048 articles.


Miniature mechanical radiation-resistant logical circuits

By Damir Beciri
27 June 2012

mems-radiation-1Not a moment too soon after I criticized a statement about lightweight flying robots being used in radiated environments and the fact that electronics in radiation tend to malfunction in a previous article about the AirBurr flying robot, engineers from the University of Utah and the Case Western Reserve University designed microscopic mechanical devices able… »


Green architecture – SUNY Sheila Johnson Design Center

By Damir Beciri
26 June 2012

suny-morrisville-sheila-johnson-design-center-1State University of New York (SUNY) Sheila Johnson Design Center building at the Morrisville State College is an interesting example of how a building can be transformed to serve another purpose. An old dairy barn on the college’s ground was converted into a keynote building of the campus. The new modern looking facility for new programs… »


MIT develops implantable fuel cell powered by glucose

By Damir Beciri
23 June 2012

mit-silicon-wafer-with-glucose-fuel-cellsMIT engineers have developed a fuel cell that runs on the same sugar that powers human cells – glucose. Although the technology has been around since 1970s, MIT fuel cell is fabricated from silicon, using the same technology used to make semiconductor electronic chips. This feature allows it to be integrated with other circuits that… »


iCub humanoid robot learns language like a toddler

By Damir Beciri
23 June 2012

deechee-learning-shapesAccording to new results from researchers at the University of Hertfordshire, robots can develop basic language skills through interaction with a human. The research is a part of iTalk project, where previously described iCub robot is used as a platform which listens to humans in a similar way like human babies of about 6 to… »


First tabletop X-ray laser device

By Damir Beciri
22 June 2012

tabletop-xray-laser-1Most of today’s X-ray lasers require so much power that they rely on facilities the size of football stadiums or larger, making their use impractical. An international research team led by researchers from the University of Colorado Boulder (CU Boulder) has generated the first laser-like beams of X-rays from a tabletop device, thus enabling more… »


Understanding self cleaning abilities of gecko’s foot hair

By Damir Beciri
21 June 2012

geckoWe already published several articles about gecko biomimicry, whose feet and their adhesive properties inspired researchers to develop similar surfaces, as well as a mass production technique to create the surface. Although it addresses the same subject, this article describes recently published results from University of Akron (UA) where researchers examined self-cleaning and reusability of… »


Canon Mixed Reality System (MR System)

By Damir Beciri
21 June 2012

canon-mixed-reality-systemCanon presented a new augmented reality project they developed on a recent Virtual Reality Expo (IVR) in Japan. Named Mixed Reality System (or MR System), the image data processing technology offers integration of real and virtual worlds in a different way than their previous augmented reality (AR) systems, since the new system enables you to… »

Gadgets| Tech»

Using water and air to create bistable optical displays

By Damir Beciri
One Comment20 June 2012

aalto-water-and-air-bistable-optical-displays-1An international team of researchers led by Aalto University have come up with a concept of writing and displaying information on surfaces using simply air and water. The researchers are using an interesting property of superhydrophobic surfaces when they are submerged into water. The microscopic structures on their surface prevent the water from contact with… »