Home » Damir Beciri

Articles written by Damir Beciri

TEST Damir Beciri has published 1048 articles.

Architecture| Tech»

Team Maryland WaterShed wins the Solar Decathlon 2011 (part 1)

By Damir Beciri
3 Comments3 October 2011

team-maryland-watershed-1U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon 2011 ended last weekend and the team coming from the University of Maryland which dominated most of the categories and won the overall first place with their WaterShed house. The team also won the second place after the Middlebury College in the final juried contest – Market Appeal –… »


Artificial leaf uses solar energy to split the oxygen and hydrogen in water

By Damir Beciri
One Comment2 October 2011

mit-artificial-leafResearchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have produced something they’re calling an “artificial leaf” – a silicon solar cell with different catalytic materials bonded onto its two sides which enable it to produce oxygen and hydrogen. Once the material is placed under water and illuminated by sunlight, it needs external sources of power… »


Solar collector stationary system efficient as solar tracking systems

By Damir Beciri
3 Comments30 September 2011

uc-merced-solar-collector-teamTypically, solar collectors must move and track the sun to achieve optimal energy production, necessitating additional equipment that can be costly to install and complex to maintain. A team of researchers from the University of California, Merced, have developed an entirely stationary system which is equally effective as solar tracking systems while being much simpler… »


Nissan and EPFL team up to develop vehicle interfaces of the future

By Damir Beciri
2 Comments29 September 2011

nissan-epfl-bmi-car-interfaceModern automobiles have electronics to help us steer and drive safer while being capable to achieve higher speed. Nissan is collaborating with researchers from the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland (EPFL) in order to develop a system which could assist drivers in future by combining Brain Machine Interface (BMI) readings with data gathered… »


Material with both magnetic and superconducting properties found

By Damir Beciri
27 September 2011

simes-superconductor-magnet-julie-bertResearchers at the Stanford University have made an interesting discovery after they sandwiched two nonmagnetic insulators together. Contrary to expectations, the layer where the two materials meet has both magnetic and superconducting regions – two properties which haven’t been found to co-exist in nature. The discovery could be a starting point for creation of new materials… »


New algorithm leads to more efficient robots with predictable movement

By Damir Beciri
26 September 2011

mit-asypmotically-optimal-path-planning-for-manipulationResearchers from MIT combined two innovative algorithms developed there to build a new robotic motion-planning system that calculates much more efficient trajectories through free space. Although such tasks seem intuitive and simple to us, most of the existing path finding algorithms rely to collision avoiding rather than finding more efficient paths between the robot’s initial… »


Climbing plants inspire self-healing membranes

By Damir Beciri
One Comment25 September 2011

empa-polyurethane-foam-membraneSwiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (Empa) researchers have been inspired by climbing plants to develop a polymer foam surface coating with a closed cell construction capable to reduce the pressure loss after the membrane is damaged. Aside making future inflatable structures more resistant, the technology could provide them with a longer operational… »

Bionics| Tech»

Pitcher plant biomimicry leads to SLIPS – efficient liquid repelling coating

By Damir Beciri
One Comment22 September 2011

pitcher-plant-nepenthes-monkey-cupInspired by pitcher plant, a group of applied scientists at Harvard University managed to create a material that repels just about any type of liquid, including blood and oil, and does so even while it is exposed to high pressure or freezing temperatures. Since it is carnivorous by nature, the ability to have a virtually… »