Home » Damir Beciri

Articles written by Damir Beciri

TEST Damir Beciri has published 1048 articles.


Green architecture – Warren and Katharine Schlinger Laboratory for Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

By Damir Beciri
5 September 2011

warren-and-katharine-schlinger-laboratory-for-chemistry-and-chemical-engineering-1The Warren and Katharine Schlinger Laboratory for Chemistry and Chemical Engineering building is a part of California Institute of Technology (Caltech) and it is expected to receive LEED Gold certification. Along with focus on sustainability and resource conservation, the Schlinger Laboratory will foster innovative and productive scientific collaborations between diverse research groups in chemistry and… »


Research enables robots to manipulate objects and recognize new places

By Damir Beciri
3 September 2011

cornell-university-personal-robotics-lab-object-placementProgramming a computer to observe events and find commonalities is called machine learning. There are many examples of this process being perfected by many researchers around the world, but a team of researchers from the Cornell University Personal Robotics Laboratory is teaching robots to find their way around in new environments and manipulate objects with… »


Researchers developing a tougher and lighter wind turbine blade

By Damir Beciri
One Comment3 September 2011

wind turbineA Case Western Reserve University researcher has built a prototype blade that is substantially lighter and more durable compared to materials currently used in blades of wind turbines. He came up with a polyurethane blade reinforced with carbon nanotubes, which make the material eight times tougher compared to other materials which are currently used as… »

Bionics| Tech»

Nature inspires lighter and tougher plastic components

By Damir Beciri
One Comment1 September 2011

fraunhofer-bionic-inspired-polyamide-printingCertain biological materials exhibit exceptional strength due to their complex structure which has been perfected through time. Inspired by the perfected structures found in nature, researchers from the Fraunhofer Institute are collaborating on a project named Bionic Manufacturing. It aims to develop plastic products that are lightweight and strong, while being economic in their use… »


Novel nuclear power plants developed for future extraterrestrial bases

By Damir Beciri
2 Comments30 August 2011

lunar-nuclear-powerplant-1Researchers from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) are cooperating in order to develop a technology that could be used as the first nuclear power plant for production of electricity on potential future extraterrestrial bases. Although far different from the familiar terrestrial nuclear power stations, they are… »

Robotics| Tech»

Using algebraic equations to enhance robot motion

By Damir Beciri
29 August 2011

graphic-representation-of-an-algebraic-equationAlthough robots advance each day, they still lack the fluent movement and gracefulness we’d expect them to have. A group of researchers from the University of Innsbruck employs new mathematical approaches to improve the control of robot movements. Aside making robots more graceful and efficient, the research might lead to better motion safety for both… »


Green architecture – Viceroy Snowmass Hotel, Colorado

By Damir Beciri
28 August 2011

viceroy-snowmass-hotel-1Viceroy Hotel is the first hotel in Aspen/Snowmass area awarded with LEED Gold certification. By incorporating sustainable design and construction, innovative operational practices, and promotion of sustainability to both staff and guests, Viceroy Hotel aims to redefine luxury while ensuring that the future generations are able to enjoy the area’s pristine, high-alpine environment of Snowmass,… »


Researchers develop faster organic semiconductors for flexible displays

By Damir Beciri
27 August 2011

better-organic-electronics-1Organic semiconductors are suitable for application in thin film and flexible displays but they haven’t yet reached the speeds needed to drive high definition displays. A team of researchers, led by researchers from Stanford and Harvard universities, applied a logical approach in order to create a new material which is suitable for high-speed organic semiconductors…. »