Home » Damir Beciri

Articles written by Damir Beciri

TEST Damir Beciri has published 1048 articles.

Gadgets| Tech»

PaperPhone and Snaplet provide glimpse into flexible gadgets future

By Damir Beciri
3 Comments8 May 2011

paperphone-1An advanced “thin-film” flexible paper computer has been developed in collaboration between the researchers of Queen’s University in Ontario, Canada, and Arizona State University, USA. Two variations of the flexible paper computer are going to be unveiled on May 10 at the Association of Computing Machinery’s CHI 2011 (Computer- Human Interaction) conference in Vancouver, Canada…. »


HR3D – glasses-free 3D display using dual-stacked LCDs

By Damir Beciri
6 May 2011

mit-hr3d-researchersResearchers at MIT’s Media Lab have developed a new approach to glasses-free 3D displays, called High-Rank 3D (HR3D) Display, and they claim it could double the battery life of devices like the Nintendo 3DS without compromising screen brightness or resolution, expand the viewing angle of a 3D screen, and it would maintain the 3D effect… »


Research led to transparent and light sound-absorbing curtains

By Damir Beciri
3 Comments5 May 2011

empa-sound-absorbing-curtains-1Sound absorbing surfaces in rooms where people work, talk to each other or are trying to relax are gaining more importance in modern societies. So far, lightweight and transparent curtains are acoustically almost useless, but the cooperation between researchers at Empa, textile designer Annette Douglas and silk weavers Weisbrod-Zürrer AG, resulted with a lightweight, translucent… »

Bionics| Robotics»

GoQBot soft-bodied robot inspired by caterpillars

By Damir Beciri
27 April 2011

goqbotDespite their extreme flexibility and adaptability, current soft-bodied robots are often limited by their slow speed. Inspired by the ability of some caterpillars to rapidly curl themselves into a wheel and propel themselves away from predators, a team of researchers from the Tufts University, Massachusetts, have developed GoQBot – a soft-bodied robot with a similar… »


Self-healing polymer fixes scratches with UV light

By Damir Beciri
22 April 2011

ami-uv-self-healing-polymer-sceneA team of researchers in the United States and Switzerland have developed a polymer-based material that can heal itself with the help of UV lighting. Metallo-supramolecular polymers are solid materials capable to become a supple liquid that fills crevasses and gaps left by scrapes and scratches once it is exposed to ultraviolet light for less than… »


DONA – a donation gathering robot

By Damir Beciri
4 Comments21 April 2011

dona-robot-1In some countries, begging is forbidden by the law and could lead to a heavy fine or even imprisonment. However, in order to counter the relatively low rate of donations made by individuals in South Korea, designer Min Su Kim created DONA – a charming little robot designed to gather donations for various charitable causes… »

Gadgets| Tech»

Trimensional – a 3-D scanner smartphone application

By Damir Beciri
One Comment14 April 2011

trimensional-used-to-create-3d-modelGrant Schindler, a researcher from Georgia Tech’s College of Computing, managed to come up with a simplified version of a tool that used to cost hundreds of dollars a year ago into something that can be done with an app. Trimensional is the first app that allows users with an iPhone 4, iPad 2 or… »

Bionics| Tech»

IBM researchers made nanomedicine breakthrough

By Damir Beciri
One Comment12 April 2011

ibm-treated-cellResearchers from IBM and the Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology have discovered that new types of polymers are able to physically detect and destroy antibiotic-resistant bacteria and infectious diseases. These agents also prevent the bacteria from developing drug resistance by actually breaking through the bacterial cell wall and membrane, a fundamentally different mode of attack… »