Home » Damir Beciri

Articles written by Damir Beciri

TEST Damir Beciri has published 1048 articles.


Bulk metallic glasses material is strong as steel and moldable as plastic

By Damir Beciri
One Comment6 March 2011

jan-schroers-bmgFor decades, materials scientists have been trying to come up with a substance which could be molded into complex shapes with the same ease and low expense as plastic but without sacrificing the strength and durability of metal. A team of researchers from Yale University came up with such material that would cost about the… »


Silk moth’s antenna inspires development of better nanospores

By Damir Beciri
One Comment5 March 2011

moth-biomimicry-nanoporeBy mimicking the structure of the silk moth’s antenna, the research of University of Michigan researchers has led to development of better nanopores (essentially holes drilled in a silicon chip). Nanopores can be used to study single molecules or proteins, and the tiny tunnel-shaped tool could lead to advances in understanding neurodegenerative diseases such as… »


Insect hearing biomimicry inspires new approach to small antennas

By Damir Beciri
One Comment4 March 2011

ormia-ochraceaOrmia ochracea is a small parasitic fly best known for its strong sense of directional hearing. A female fly tracks a male cricket by its chirps and then deposits her eggs on the unfortunate host. The larvae subsequently eat the cricket. Though it doesn’t work out well for male crickets, such acute hearing in a… »


MIT helps Brazilian waste pickers to use leftover cooking oil as vehicle fuel

By Damir Beciri
One Comment25 February 2011

mit-green-greaseThere are estimated half-million garbage pickers in Brazil, known as catadores, who turn waste into profit by sorting out recyclable items and selling their findings to recycling companies. With help from some MIT students, the catadores have a less-expensive and environmentally friendly option to transport those goods by using recycled cooking oil for their fuel…. »


NASA researchers reveal various applications of atomic oxygen

By Damir Beciri
One Comment24 February 2011

atomic-oxygen-art-restauration-2A scientific method developed by researchers at NASA’s Glenn Research Center uses atomic oxygen to save and restore works of art that would have been irreparably damaged. It can also completely sterilize surgical implants intended for human bodies, improve glucose monitoring devices for diabetic patients, and texture the surfaces of polymers to invite bone cell… »


Millimeter scale computing systems could be used to monitor eye pressure

By Damir Beciri
One Comment22 February 2011

u-m-cubic-milimeter-computerNearly invisible millimeter-scale systems could enable computing to be used nearly in everything around us, and the researchers from the University of Michigan (U-M) claim that’s the future of the industry. They point to Bell’s Law, which says there’s a new class of smaller, cheaper computers about every decade. They plan to use their miniature… »


NEC PaPeRo robot used to provide activities information to elderly

By Damir Beciri
2 Comments11 February 2011

nec-papero-robotPaPeRo (Partner-type-Personal-Robot) – a personal robot from NEC Corporation – has been developed since 1997. It is being developed to interact with people and provide them with more information or entertain them. Due to increasing number of elderly people living alone, the folks from NEC conducted a research where they programmed PaPeRo to provide them… »


Green architecture – Vicino House

By Damir Beciri
2 Comments8 February 2011

vicino-house-1Vicino House is another example of architecture practice where sustainable and luxurious intertwines, and it has earned LEED for Homes Platinum certification. Perched on the steep bank of Pacific Palisades, California, the house features spectacular 180-degree views of the Pacific Ocean and Santa Monica Bay. Materials used in the build and the building envelope are… »