Home » Damir Beciri

Articles written by Damir Beciri

TEST Damir Beciri has published 1048 articles.

Bionics| Tech»

Genetically modified bacteria used as logic gates for biological computers

By Damir Beciri
30 December 2010

escherichia-coliMaking living logic gates today is not as hard as it was previously predicted by scientists. As we mentioned in one of our previous articles regarding genetically modified yeast cells, these systems suffer from the signal noise that occurs after a single cell has been stuffed with many functions. A team of researchers from the… »


Self-sharpening sea urchin teeth may inspire ever-sharped tools

By Damir Beciri
3 Comments28 December 2010

sea-urchin-handIn order to survive in a tumultuous environment, sea urchins literally eat through stone. Sea urchins use their teeth to carve out nooks where they hide from predators and protect themselves from the waves. Despite constant grinding and scraping on stone, urchin teeth never get dull. This ability has puzzled scientists for decades, but researchers… »


Ornilux Mikado bird-protection glass from Arnold Glas

By Damir Beciri
26 December 2010

arnold-glas-ornilux-mikado-bird-protection-glassIf you ever worked or lived in a building with a glass facade, it is certain you have witnessed to (or heard stories about) birds flying into windows. In order to avoid this problem, the glass specialists from Arnold Glas have developed a type of insulated glass sheeting that can significantly reduce this danger. Architects… »


Biblio Leaf – a solar powered e-reader from Toshiba

By Damir Beciri
26 December 2010

toshiba-biblio-leaf-lismo-book-storeIn our previous articles, we mentioned how some e-readers or writing board like Boogie Board Paperless LCD Writing Tablet could benefit from solar power, and avoid usage of energy needed for recharging or even the resources needed for battery production. Toshiba and KDDI, Japan’s second biggest mobile carrier, have unveiled a solar powered e-book reader… »

Robotics| Tech»

The emotional computer – future of human-robot interaction

By Damir Beciri
One Comment24 December 2010

professor-peter-robinson-and-a-robotic-head-modeled-on-charles-babbageThere is no doubt that future computers and robots need to understand us better in order to make the interaction with them more pleasant and productive. Some examples we already wrote about are Kismet robot from MIT, or FEELIX GROWING project based on Aldebaran robot Nao platform. A team of researcher from the University of… »

Bionics| Tech»

Genetically modified yeast cells could be used as biological computers

By Damir Beciri
23 December 2010

genetically-modified-yeast-cellsSynthetic biology is a relatively new area of research that combines biology and technology. Genetically modified cells can be altered in order to communicate with each other as if they were electronic circuits. A group of researchers in Gothenburg has managed to alter yeast cells in to build complex systems that could help the body’s… »

Architecture| Tech»

Green architecture – Bastyr Student Village, Seattle

By Damir Beciri
20 December 2010

bastyr-student-village-1Bastyr’s Student Village is a reflection of the University’s vision to transform the health and well-being of the human community. The project has been awarded the 2010 LEED for Homes Project of the Year in the “Outstanding Multifamily” category by the USGBC. The 132-student residential village was designed by CollinsWoerman, Seattle’s company which specializes in… »

Gadgets| Tech»

Word Lens – augmented reality app able to translate foreign text around you

By Damir Beciri
3 Comments18 December 2010

word-lensHere is an article about an application that offers on-the-fly video translations or processing from the printed text it is able to recognize. Although the news about Word Lens from Quest Visual was viral a few days ago, we didn’t publish our article about it before we managed to get some additional information about the… »