Home » Damir Beciri

Articles written by Damir Beciri

TEST Damir Beciri has published 1048 articles.


Rutgers University research could lead to more efficient plastic solar cells

By Damir Beciri
One Comment10 October 2010

rubrene-organic-single-crystal-transistorPhysicists at Rutgers University have discovered that energy-carrying particles generated by packets of light can travel on the order of a thousand times farther in organic (carbon-based) semiconductors than scientists previously observed. This boosts scientists’ hopes that less expensive plastic solar cells based on this budding technology may one day overtake silicon solar cells in… »

Bionics| Robotics»

Berkeley Bionics eLEGS exoskeleton could help paraplegics walk

By Damir Beciri
One Comment9 October 2010

amanda-walk-in-elegs-exoskeletonBerkeley Bionics developed the first practical exoskeleton and the first untethered exoskeleton in the world. Later on, through a licensed agreement with Lockheed Martin Corporation, they came up with HULC exoskeleton which is meant for military use. A few days ago they unveiled similarly looking eLEGS, a wearable, artificially intelligent, bionic device that powers paraplegics… »


New low-power usage displays able to show dynamic content

By Damir Beciri
7 October 2010

uc-electro-fluidics-display-1A new electro-fluidics design from the University of Cincinnati shows potential to improve the image capabilities of electronic devices. Similarly to the Qualcomm Mirasol display for color e-readers we described earlier, this display is able to display dynamic content while it is consuming low power. Its developers claim it will be able to provide high… »


Panasonic showcased Roboticbed and hair-washing robot

By Damir Beciri
5 October 2010

panasonic-hair-washing-robotPanasonic has been committed to the research and development of robots that assist people, both of those who give and receive health care and welfare services, in order to make everyday living safe, secure and comfortable. They have announced the development of an electric care assistance bed with an integrated wheelchair and a hair-washing robot… »


CleanAir indoor climate chemical system saves energy

By Damir Beciri
4 October 2010

matthew-jonson-cleanairA new invention could cut energy use in buildings by 25 percent by creating a better indoor climate. The CleanAir invention was recently patented by a researcher in atmospheric chemistry at the University of Copenhagen. The inventor, Matthew Johnson, has shown his invention to the general public for the very first time at the conference… »


Active packaging keeps food fresh for longer

By Damir Beciri
3 October 2010

lacquer-based-film-with-antimicrobial-agentSupermarkets have only been able to keep products on their meat counters for a few days, but a group of researchers from Fraunhofer Institute for Process Engineering and Packaging is developing a technology to prolong that period. They have developed an antimicrobial active packaging film that destroys the microorganisms on the product surface, thereby increasing… »


Nokia Research Centre in Cambridge reveals some of their research

By Damir Beciri
1 October 2010

nano-hair-cambridge-nokiaThe Nokia Research Center in Cambridge was set up in 2007 as a partnership with the University of Cambridge. Soon after it was established, the Morph Concept was unveiled, to help build a picture of where the research at the labs was heading. They recently demoed three different strands of their research and those are… »

Bionics| Robotics»

Raytheon’s second-generation exoskeleton XOS 2

By Damir Beciri
2 Comments30 September 2010

xos-2-exoskeleton-1Raytheon Company unveiled their second generation Exoskeleton named XOS 2 at their research facility in Salt Lake City, Utah, during a demonstration with Paramount Home Entertainment. The new robotic suit is lighter, faster and stronger than its predecessor, yet it uses 50 percent less power. Its enhanced design also makes it more resistant to the… »