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Articles tagged with: ‘calcium carbonate‘


New flexible mineral inspired by deep-sea sponges

By Damir Beciri
20 March 2013

flexible-minerals-1Inspired by structural elements found in most sea sponges, researchers at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) and the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research (MPI-P) in Germany have recreated the sponge spicules using the natural mineral calcium carbonate and a protein of the sponge. The resulting material is a synthetic hybrid which has almost 90… »


Nickel allergy fought more efficiently by calcium nanoparticles

By Rob Aid
3 Comments4 April 2011

nanoparticles-vs-nickel-allergy-teamNanoparticles could offer big hope in a small package to the many millions of people who are allergic to the nickel in everything from jewelry to coins and cell phones. The allergy causes a red, itchy rash when it comes into contact with their skin. Although some countries regulate the amount of the metal in… »