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Articles tagged with: ‘coffee‘


Balloon filled with ground coffee makes for versatile robotic gripper

By Damir Beciri
25 October 2010

coffee-robot-hand-gripperWe mostly take it for granted, but human hand is amazing because it enables us to interact with many objects with ease. Opting for simple elegance, researchers from Cornell University, the University of Chicago and iRobot Corp. have created a versatile gripper using everyday ground coffee and a latex party balloon, bypassing traditional designs based… »


Aid robot Hina – not so helpful but it tries really hard

By Damir Beciri
2 Comments26 June 2009

hina robotAfter the production of many robotic toys has been stopped, we lost our faith in the current development of miniaturized humanoid robots. Besides the fact they are very entertaining, they could also be programmed to help us in simple everyday tasks. The fact that these robots are wanted is proved by a video posted a… »