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Articles tagged with: ‘free radicals‘


Medang tree provides key to greener chemistry

By Damir Beciri
18 June 2013

kingianin-1Researchers at the Research School of Chemistry of the Australian National University (RSC – ANU), Canberra, discovered that a rare tree found in Malaysia and Borneo holds the secret to greener chemical production. They managed to create a ten-step method which employs a new, environmentally friendly approach to replicate kingianins molecules found in the Medang… »


Titanium dioxide coating + sunlight = self cleaning surfaces

By Damir Beciri
4 July 2012

cleaning-with-sunlightUnlike Alcoa EcoClean coating for panels which was developed to clean the air around us, the researchers from the Fraunhofer Photocatalysis Alliance, which includes researchers from ten Fraunhofer institutes, have decided to combine their expertise in this field to use titanium dioxide particles in a coating which could be used to destroy bacteria, fungi and… »