Home » lithium batteries

Articles tagged with: ‘lithium batteries‘


Polymer batteries for cheaper and safer next-generation electronics

By Damir Beciri
One Comment11 September 2011

smartphoneRechargeable lithium-ion batteries are now the power of choice for a variety of portable consumer electronics. A group of researchers from the University of Leeds has invented a new type of polymer gel that could replace the liquid electrolytes currently used in rechargeable lithium cells. It would also enable production of cheaper lithium batteries without… »


A nanoscale insight on lithium batteries could increase battery durability

By Damir Beciri
One Comment12 December 2010

nano-battery-diagramBattery developers know that recharging and using lithium batteries over and over damages the electrode materials. Researchers at the DOE’s Environmental Molecular Sciences Lab on the Pacific Northwest National Lab (PNNL) grounds have been observing how nanowires composed of tin oxide rapidly change shape and deform when they are being charged. “Nanowires of tin oxide… »