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Articles tagged with: ‘microphones‘

Gadgets| Tech»

TapSense uses sound to enhance information interaction on touch surfaces

By Damir Beciri
23 October 2011

tapsenseA group of researchers, led by a Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) researcher, developed a technology which recognizes determines the difference in sound when you tap of a fingertip, the pad of the finger, a fingernail or a knuckle on a touchscreen. This technology, called TapSense, enables richer touchscreen interactions by employing the anatomy and dexterity… »

Bionics| Tech»

Orca hearing biomimicry led to an ultrasensitive underwater microphone

By Damir Beciri
One Comment23 June 2011

orca-1Stanford researchers have developed a highly sensitive underwater microphone which is modeled after the extraordinarily acute hearing of orcas. The microphone can capture a wide range of ocean sounds in a range of approximately 160 decibels, significantly more than existing underwater microphones (hydrophones) which have limited ranges of sensitivity and do not perform well at… »


Squarehead Technology AudioScope can zoom sound in a crowd

By Damir Beciri
One Comment13 October 2010

squarehead-technology-audioscope-1Physicists Morgan Kjølerbakken and Vibeke Jahr were working on sonar technology when they came up with the idea for what they call a super-microphone while they were at the University of Oslo, Norway. Kjølerbakken and Jahr have now patented the device, dubbed it AudioScope, and founded a company Squarehead Technology where they commercialized their idea…. »