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Articles tagged with: ‘plants‘


Mimosa biomimicry inspires new adaptive structures

By Rob Aid
2 Comments20 February 2011

mimosa-pudicaResearchers at University of Michigan (U-M) and Penn State University are studying how plants like the Mimosa can change shape, and they’re working to replicate the mechanisms with artificial cells. Currently, their artificial cells are palm-size and larger, but they’re trying to minify them by using microstructures and nanofibers to construct them. They’re also exploring… »

Bionics| Tech»

Plant sentinels able to detect pollution and explosives

By Damir Beciri
2 Comments27 January 2011

plant-sentinels-medford-1A group of researchers from the Colorado State University (CSU) managed to make a computer-designed detection trait work in a plant by rewiring its natural signaling process. It enables the plant to turn from green to white when chemicals are detected in the air around it or in the soil it is planted in. The… »


Engineered plants could produce raw material for plastics

By Damir Beciri
15 November 2010

john-shanklin-plastics-from-plantsIn a first step toward achieving industrial-scale green production, scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory and collaborators at Dow AgroSciences reported engineering a plant that produces industrially relevant levels of compounds that could potentially be used to make plastics. The research is reported online in Plant Physiology, and will appear… »