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Articles tagged with: ‘robot‘


Diego-san – humanoid robot toddler

By Damir Beciri
2 Comments22 January 2013

diego-san-robotWhile photos and videos of the robot have been presented at scientific conferences in robotics and in infant development, the general public recently got the first glance at the expressive face of a robot named Diego-san. The project is led by a researcher from University of California, San Diego (UCSD) and it will be used… »


Gliding Robot ACE – robotic fish that can both swim and glide

By Damir Beciri
19 January 2013

gliding-robot-ace-grace-robot-fishThere are many research groups around the world with a goal to develop robotic fish that could be used to monitor potential environmental problems before they become too large to handle. Back in 2009, a group of researchers from Michigan State University (MSU) came up with their prototype of robotic fish. Recently, they revealed a… »


Top 5 news and articles regarding robotics in 2012

By Rob Aid
5 January 2013

top-5-2012-roboticsIt seems as if last year’s news and articles were dominated by unmanned aerial vehicles and algorithms developed for their autonomy in different environments. We got a couple of new and affordable robotic toys to play with, there were numeral examples of robots whose design or locomotion principles were inspired by nature, and ASIMO turned… »

Bionics| Robotics»

EcoBot-III robot can be powered by sewage waste

By Damir Beciri
30 November 2012

sewage-powered-ecobot-iiiA couple of years ago I stumbled onto news about EcoBot – a robot able to operate within an enclosed environment by using food, water and air found around it. However, the idea of robots which consume unrefined biomass in order to operate didn’t allure me from the ethical point of view and that news… »


Kondo Kagaku KHR-3HV humanoid kit robot

By Damir Beciri
3 Comments23 October 2012

kondo-kagaku-khr-3hv-robot-1Back in June 13th 2009, during their 5th Anniversary, Kondo Kagaku released the KHR-3HV humanoid kit robot. Although it’s been a while since they released the robot, its abilities and price make it ideal for hobbyists as well for use in advanced educational purposes. Hence, we decided to publish an article about this great humanoid… »

Bionics| Robotics»

RightingBot landing ability inspired by lizards

By Damir Beciri
30 June 2012

rightingbotInspired by lizards, which have the ability to turn right side up and land on their feet when they fall, the researchers from the University of California, Berkeley, developed a robot able to mimic that ability. Named RightingBot, the lizard-inspired robot mimics lizards which swing their large tails one way to rotate their body the… »

Gadgets| Robotics»

Musical robot companion Shimi is more than a docking system

By Damir Beciri
One Comment29 June 2012

tovbot-shimiGeorgia Tech’s Center for Music Technology developed a robot whose role is to be a musical companion. Named Shimi, the robotic musical companion is able to recommend songs, dance to the beat, and even create new, unique musical compositions. Instead being just a docking station, the robot increases interactivity and various features which can be… »


AirBurr flying robot navigates in cluttered indoor environments

By Damir Beciri
One Comment19 June 2012

airburrMost flying robots aren’t built to recover from shocks after a collision, but a group of researchers from EPFL decided to construct a robot which is suitable for navigation in cluttered indoor environment. Named AirBurr, the flying robot acts like some flying insects and takes advantage of collisions in order to find its way around… »