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Articles tagged with: ‘solar cells‘


Smart Solar International develops cheaper sun-chasing solar panels

By Damir Beciri
2 Comments4 June 2011

japan-solar-tracking-solar-panelsUnlike the heliotropic technology from MIT which uses difference in temperature to turn the photovoltaic panels in the right direction, a group of researchers from Japan developed moving mirrors that follow the sun throughout the day. The developers from Smart Solar International claim that devices can generate twice the electricity compared to other currently available… »


New 3D nanocone solar cell technology boosts the efficiency

By Rob Aid
29 April 2011

nanocone-solar-cell-illustrationA team of researchers, led by Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s (ORNL’s) Jun Xu, created a 3D nanocone-based solar cell platform which boosts the light-to-power conversion efficiency of photovoltaics by nearly 80 percent. The technology substantially overcomes the problem of poor transport of charges generated by solar photons, which occur due to defects in bulk materials… »


MIT researchers developing organic transparent solar cells

By Rob Aid
2 Comments17 April 2011

mit-transparent-organic-photovoltaic-cellsA group of researchers from MIT develops a photovoltaic cell based on organic molecules, which harnesses the energy of infrared light while allowing visible light to pass through, thus enabling power generation in transparent. Coated onto a pane of standard window glass, it could provide power for lights and other devices, and would lower installation… »


Plasmonics with coated nanodomes for thin and affordable solar cells

By Damir Beciri
2 Comments4 February 2011

stanford-plasmonics-imprintsA multidisciplinary team of Stanford engineers led by Mike McGehee, Yi Cui and Mark Brongersma, and joined by Michael Graetzel at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), is developing a new type of thin solar cell that could offer a new direction for the field. They succeeded in harnessing plasmonics – trapping light within… »


Affordable and environmentally friendly solar cells from Oxford PV

By Damir Beciri
One Comment8 January 2011

solar-energy.jpgAn Oxford company has developed new solar cell technology that is manufactured from cheap, abundant, environmentally benign and non-corrosive materials, and the ability to be scaled to any volume. The solar cells can be printed onto glass or other surfaces, and they are available in a range of colors. That makes them ideal for new buildings… »

Robotics| Tech»

Robot being developed to inspect the aging power lines

By Damir Beciri
5 Comments13 June 2010

power-line-robot-crawlersResearchers at the Electric Power Research Institute, an independent nonprofit research organization for the utility sector, have designed a prototype of robot which will be used to inspect the power lines. Current way power lines are being monitored (in larger countries) is by helicopter which gathers data about warmth of the lines. This automated way… »