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Articles tagged with: ‘tobacco plants‘


Automated plant factory for the production of vaccines

By Damir Beciri
27 June 2013

fks-themaAlthough chicken-egg production presents a reliable method for vaccine production, in a global pandemic emergency, it takes too long and does not yield enough vaccine. A team of Fraunhofer Institute researchers from the USA has built up a Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) compliant plant factory which relies on molecular farming. Molecular farming is an easy,… »


Modifying tobacco plants to prolong their life and biomass

By Damir Beciri
13 January 2013

ime-forever-young-tabacco-plantThe legend about the fountain of youth has been around for thousands of years, appearing in early records of various cultures around the world. Unlike Ponce de León, who searched for the fountain of youth when he traveled to what is now Florida back in 1513, a group of researchers from the Fraunhofer Institute for… »