Home » touch sensors

Articles tagged with: ‘touch sensors‘

Gadgets| Robotics»

My Keepon robotic toy will keep on entertaining you

By Damir Beciri
7 Comments18 September 2011

my-keepon-toy-robotInitially introduced in 2007 through a popular online video, the adorable Keepon robot stood out from the rest of the robots available in that time. Its simple appearance and dynamic behavior have been equally embraced by young and old. However, it was originally developed for use in playrooms to study autism and social development and… »


ShokacCube – soft and flexible touch sensor capable to detect changes in 3D

By Damir Beciri
20 July 2011

shokaccube-touch-sensorUnlike other touch sensors we previously wrote about, a University of Tokyo spin-off company Touchence has designed ShokacCube – the world’s first soft and flexible touch sensor capable to detect changes in 3D. The technology could aid in robotics and present a major breakthrough in bionics where it could be used for better feedback and… »


Robot El-E assists to people with motor impairments

By Damir Beciri
9 May 2009

el-e-robot-butler.jpgMost of us take our interaction with the world around us for granted. Manipulating objects play an especially important role in people’s lives. El-E is an assistive robot that is explicitly designed to take advantage of this common structure in order to retrieve unmodeled, everyday objects for people with motor impairments. Georgia Tech’s Healthcare Robotics… »


Inovation First HEXBUG robots – Ant, Original, Inchworm and Crab

By Damir Beciri
One Comment1 May 2009

hexbugantgreen.jpgIn need to find a new and affordable toy to entertain young children or yourself when being idle? Read this article and decide which one of the HEXBUG robot-toys would be most suitable for you. HEXBUG Ant After releasing their Original HEXBUG robot, Texas based manufacturer Innovation First introduced HEXBUG Ant at the NY International… »