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Articles tagged with: ‘UK‘


Creating biofuel from wrapping paper and greeting cards

By Damir Beciri
One Comment24 December 2011

wrapping-paper-carnageResearchers from Imperial College London did some interesting math related to holiday season and their research in which they process paper to create biofuel. According to them, you could run one of the iconic double-decker buses to the moon and back more than 20 times if you fermented the discarded wrapping paper and Christmas cards… »


Organic architecture – Woodland Home, Wales

By Damir Beciri
One Comment17 October 2011

woodland-home-wales-1Woodland Home in Wales, UK, is an inspirational project that doesn’t rely on modern materials and it was literally built from green materials. The house was built with maximum regard for the environment and by reciprocation provides a unique opportunity to live close to nature. Unlike the Earth House Estate in Switzerland, the Woodland Home in… »


Pilot plant in UK cleans waste water and produces fuel

By Damir Beciri
16 September 2011

uk-pilot-plant-waste-water-cleaning-fuel-production-1A new industrial plant that uses algae to clean waste water has opened in Gloucestershire, run by scientists from the University of Bath and environmental innovation company Aragreen. The pilot facility will demonstrate the efficacy of algae as a sustainable water polishing technology, using waste water from a nearby Welsh Water plant. The algae will… »