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Articles tagged with: ‘university of basel‘


Algal protein gives boost to solar hydrogen generation

By Damir Beciri
One Comment22 December 2011

cyanobacteria-pecPhoto-electrochemical cells (PEC) use sunlight to electrochemically split water in order to generate hydrogen in direct manner, and they are usually made of semiconducting materials. Researchers from Switzerland and US used nature as inspiration to optimize the process by developing iron oxide electrodes that are conjugated with a protein from blue-green algae (also known as… »

Bionics| Tech»

Researchers achieved selective transport across a biomimetic nanopore

By Rob Aid
20 June 2011

tudelft-nanoporeResearchers at Delft University of Technology and the University of Basel have created a biomimetic nanopore that provides a unique test and measurement platform for the way that proteins move into a cell’s nucleus. The biomimetic pore is fully functional and able to act selective, thus it can be used as a testing platform for… »