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Articles tagged with: ‘university of colorado boulder‘


Arthropod eye design inspires novel digital cameras

By Damir Beciri
One Comment2 May 2013

bugs-eye-inspires-hemispherical-digital-camera-1Inspired by eyes found in arthropods, an interdisciplinary and international team of researchers has created a digital camera with designs that mimic the ocular systems found in dragonflies, bees, praying mantises and other insects. The device could be used in surveillance devices, tools for endoscopy, and other applications where these insect-inspired designs provide unique capabilities…. »


Droplets – team of tiny swarming robots

By Damir Beciri
2 Comments15 December 2012

cu-droplet-robotMany research groups around the world have been inspired by swarms and they have been striving to develop suitable platforms and different algorithms. A group of researchers from the University of Colorado Boulder has developed a basic robotic building block called droplet, and they hope they’ll be able to reproduce it in large quantities to… »


First tabletop X-ray laser device

By Damir Beciri
22 June 2012

tabletop-xray-laser-1Most of today’s X-ray lasers require so much power that they rely on facilities the size of football stadiums or larger, making their use impractical. An international research team led by researchers from the University of Colorado Boulder (CU Boulder) has generated the first laser-like beams of X-rays from a tabletop device, thus enabling more… »


Researchers found extraordinary adhesion properties of graphene

By Damir Beciri
23 August 2011

graphene-model-array-1A group of researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder (CU-Boulder) discovered that the extreme flexibility of graphene allows it to conform to the shape of the smoothest surfaces. Its powerful adhesion qualities are expected to help guide the development of graphene manufacturing and of graphene-based mechanical devices such as resonators and gas separation membranes…. »