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Articles tagged with: ‘university of north texas‘


Outperforming platinum with a metal-free fuel cell catalyst

By Damir Beciri
9 June 2013

korean-research-groupCollaboration between researchers in South Korea, Case Western Reserve University and University of North Texas resulted with a discovery of an inexpensive and easily produced catalyst that performs better than platinum in oxygen-reduction reactions. The finding is a step toward eliminating what industry regards as the largest obstacle to large-scale commercialization of fuel cell technology…. »


Understanding self cleaning abilities of gecko’s foot hair

By Damir Beciri
21 June 2012

geckoWe already published several articles about gecko biomimicry, whose feet and their adhesive properties inspired researchers to develop similar surfaces, as well as a mass production technique to create the surface. Although it addresses the same subject, this article describes recently published results from University of Akron (UA) where researchers examined self-cleaning and reusability of… »