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Green architecture – Suzlon One Earth

By Damir Beciri
One Comment23 June 2010

suzlon-one-earth-1Suzlon Energy Limited (SEL), India’s largest wind turbine manufacturer, received LEED Platinum award for their new corporate headquarters in Pune, Maharashtra, India. Developed on an area of 41,000 square meters (10.13 acres) with a capacity to house 2,300 people, One Earth is one of the largest green building projects in India. The green approach has allowed the construction of the facility at a lower cost compared to other facilities of comparable size, ultimately leading to a lower lifecycle cost and smaller environmental footprint in the long term.

The design, done by architect Christopher Charles Benninger, is similar to a campus which is based on an urban village concept, with features like horizontal open spaces instead of linear over bearing structures, large interactions courtyards instead of only meetings rooms, Landscape to encourage activities instead of “keep off grass” signs, and all of those features weaved with technologically advanced systems which provide and save energy.

Minimal carbon footprints project with on site and off site Green Power investment through wind and solar energy generate 154 KW of energy on site through a combination of windmills (80%) and photovoltiac panels (20%). LED street lighting is powered entirely by renewable energy-based systems located on the site thus reducing approximately 25 percent of the total lighting load. Solar hot water system provides 10000 liters of hot water which fulfils the complete requirement of the facility.

The complex features incorporation of services and utilities towards Zero waste management systems. Hundred percent of water from STP is used for Flushing, landscape and HVAC system. Thirty percent of water saving is achieved through waste water cycling, rain water harvesting systems, low flow fixtures, duel flushing system etc. Storm and rainwater management system channels all rain received into a controlled flow, preventing soil erosion and facilitating removal of silt. Waste segregation at source and onsite waste treatment is applied to generate valuable manure for the soil.

Bamboo flooring used at workstations ensures reduced consumption of energy.  More than 70 percent of materials used in the interiors are low energy materials which have a reduced carbon footprint. They ensure higher recycled content, have lower embodied energy and are rapidly renewable.

Ninety percent of regularly occupied spaces have daylight exposure, thereby saving on artificial lighting. Daylight sensors are used in the workstation area for maximum use of artificial lighting. Occupancy sensors control task lighting in unoccupied workstations ensuring savings of about 20 percent of energy costs.

Energy efficient air-conditioning systems at One Earth are flexible in cooling depending on the type and requirement of space, thus reducing overall power consumption. The used air conditioning and cooling systems are free of Chloro Flouro Carbons (CFCs), Hydro Chloro Flouro Carbons (HCFCs) & Halons (compounds threatening to the protective Ozone layer). The refrigerant used is with zero Ozone Depleting Potential. Jet fans installed in the basements intermittently push out stale air and bring in fresh air, saving 50 percent energy as compared to ducted basement ventilation system.

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    The new design of Corporate office of SUZLON is no doubt nice. But the reputation of SUZLON machines is questionable.

    Dr.A.Jagadeesh Nellore(AP),India

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