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Two methods to produce graphene nanoribbons

By Damir Beciri
11 May 2009

nanoribbon.jpgYou remember we wrote about carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in one of our previous articles? Two groups of researchers have found ways to unfold CNTs in order to make nanoribbons of graphene. The experts claim that the development could point the way towards a new generation of electronics, including computer chips that are faster and tinier… »


Nanotechnologies – Carbon nanotubes

By Damir Beciri
One Comment7 May 2009

nanotube-closeup.jpgThe discovery of nanotubes remains a debatable issue, especially because several scientists involved in the research could be likely candidates for the Nobel Prize. A large percentage of academic and popular literature attributes the discovery of hollow, nanometer-size tubes composed of graphitic carbon to Sumio Iijima of NEC in 1991. Carbon nanotubes have been produced… »

Gadgets| Tech»

Microsoft SecondLight casts second light on information

By Damir Beciri
6 May 2009

secondlight_1_.jpgThe SecondLight technology is going to help us with meta-data in a rather different way from the last article regarding SixthSense. Although often mixed with another Microsoft product called Surface the guys from Redmond clearly stated that SecondLight isn’t a second version of the Microsoft Surface. This technology allows a second set of images which… »


Electrofluidic Display technology – visual brilliance as in conventional printed media

By Damir Beciri
3 May 2009

efd-pixels.pngAre you thinking about getting an e-reader but you’re not a fan of reading from a dimmed screen? A new technology called Electrofluidic Display (EFD) technology is going to change your mind. EFD is a product of an international collaboration of the University of Cincinnati, Sun Chemical, Polymer Vision and Gamma Dynamics. It’s the first… »


Self-healing concrete for better infrastructure

By Damir Beciri
29 April 2009

healingconcrete_apr_09.jpgA concrete material developed at the University of Michigan can heal itself when it cracks. No human intervention is necessary—just water and carbon dioxide. New substance could make infrastructure safer and more durable. Self-healing is possible because the material is designed to bend and crack in narrow hairlines rather than break and split in wide… »

Gadgets| Robotics| Tech»

Roomba senses owners emotions

By Damir Beciri
24 April 2009

paul_with_roomba.jpgThis article combines two of our previous stories. The concept of controlling a robot using emotions instead of traditional controls is one of the emerging technologies which will help both humans and robots to interact more naturally. A group of researchers from Calgary University, Canada decided to explore the development of a robot that would… »


Using solar energy – Solar power

By Damir Beciri
One Comment21 April 2009

solar-energy.jpgThis is a rather general overview of contemporary technologies which convert solar energy into electrical power. As we run out of conventional fuels solar energy becomes one of the main subjects regarding our power supply thus supply of our gadgets and robots. Hence, solar power is going to be one of the subjects we’re going… »

Gadgets| Tech»

Multi-user touch screen DiamondTouch

By Damir Beciri
18 April 2009

DimondTouch.jpgOne of the major elements in every household of the future is a touchable and interactive surface. Today, there are many different ways to incorporate touch technologies which react on simple pressure or combine different technologies (like accelerometers or cameras and infrared detectors) in order simulate processes or increasing the precision. Some of these allow… »